SKOPIA Anticipation Studies


SKOPIA specializes in Futures Studies and Anticipation, assisting organizations in developing anticipation strategies to support complex decision-making in highly uncertain environments.

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SKOPIA Anticipation Services

SKOPIA is a company specializing in Futures Studies and the discipline of Anticipation, and  consulting in strategic intelligence and analysis of medium to long-term changes, risks, and opportunities. Additionally, SKOPIA provides training and literacy services in Futures Studies, guiding organizations in implementing transitions to create value.

SKOPIA’s Futurists conduct Futures Exercises aimed at developing Strategic Anticipation skills, training new competencies, making decisions, and setting actions in the present to influence future outcomes. 

Futures Studies

Futures Studies are a discipline and a field of research that provide robust methodologies and tools to approach and explore futures. It gathers a wealth of qualitative and quantitative information and data to facilitate more resilient operational decisions and to set strategies.

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SKOPIA offers various training programs: some are more general to introduce individuals or workgroups to Futures Studies and Anticipation, while others are tailored to meet the specific needs of different organizations (public or private).

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SKOPIA's Observatories are designed to assist businesses and public administrations in understanding and leveraging the interconnections between phenomena. This approach aims at identifying innovations and counter-trends, seizing new opportunities, services, and market niches in sectors of interest such as work, mobility, and energy.

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SKOPIA has developed a wide range of consulting and training offerings that enable decision-makers, managers, administrators, entrepreneurs, and innovators to be prepared for rapid market and societal changes. 

Corporate Foresight

Services aimed at decision-makers in businesses to visualize and design various possible futures, choose desirable ones among them, and prepare essential steps to achieve them.

Change Management for Companies

Training courses focused on Futures Studies and Anticipation to develop prospective thinking that is useful not only for foresight but also for anticipating changes.

Strategic Forecasting for Public Administration

Consulting for decision-makers, administrators, and managers in the public sector, NGOs, and Non-Profit Sector organizations to anticipate changes in the social context and develop suitable long-term policies.

Anticipatory Governance for Public Administration

Dedicated training courses with specific methodologies for managing high levels of uncertainty, typical of decision-making processes in contexts of innovation and transformation, to be applied within public organizations as a governance tool.

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Need a futurist for your event?

Looking for an expert in futures for an occasional performance?

We provide the expertise of our academic scholars and the experience of our senior futurists, as well as the insights and heightened sensitivity to new trends and changes from our junior analysts and researchers. Generations matter!





Approfondimenti, interviste e notizie dal futuro


The Recent Futurists

Testimonials from those who have effectively introduced Futures Literacy and Anticipation into their organization.
Riel Miller

“The work being done by SKOPIA demonstrates leadership in the field of Futures Studies. You are a shining example for the entire Global Futures Literacy Network. Engaging in a wide range of activities, you play a catalytic role within the global Futures Literacy network and pioneer research and applications of Futures Literacy.”

Liliana Cavatorta

"I believe that managing complexity and strategic foresight should be an integral part of what constitutes literacy in the 21st century, because they are part of the user manual needed to consciously inhabit a world that is increasingly uncertain, complex, and interconnected."

Stefania Rubatto

"We should deepen the practice of Future Labs with a view to harmonizing them with innovative educational methodologies, especially with guidance counseling, and providing ongoing training for school administrators and teachers."

Frequent questions

Why look to the future using Anticipation methods?

To learn to see new possibilities where there appear to be only inevitable paths. 

What are Futures Exercises for?

To gain a clearer image of the futures we are heading towards

What are the outcomes of Futures Exercises?

To update the organization's strategy for the future, obtain operational insights into set goals to make decisions in the present. 

Why are "traditional" methods no longer sufficient?

Forecasting and foresight are useful for looking respectively at the past and the future. But what about the present? Thanks to Anticipation, we can study the past and the future and integrate them into the present to create forward-thinking and proactive strategies with a win-win perspective. 

What are the competitive advantages of Futures Exercises?

Investimento per il futuro per avere una strategia di lungo termine che permetta di anticipare crisi e/o sorprese, risparmiando tempo e risorse.

Are the results qualitative or quantitative?

Both! Through the development of specific tools, it is possible to monitor the direction of changes to understand their impact on the organization's business.

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