Futures Studies - SKOPIA Anticipation Studies Anticipation Services

Futures Studies

Futures Studies are a discipline and field of research that provide robust methodologies and tools to approach and explore futures, gathering a wide array of qualitative and quantitative data to support more resilient operational decisions and strategic planning.

In this way, desirable futures are created, while dysfunctional futures are mitigated. Futures are inherently complex and challenging to interpret, which is why traditional quantitative forecasting methods (such as historical trend projections, sample surveys, etc.) are no longer sufficient to predict what will unfold.

The scientific tools and methodologies of Futures Studies are the basis for futures exercises that offer visions, insights, and recommendations. These exercises enable decision-makers to strategically steer organizations in the short and medium term. 


Shaping the Future


Building Solid Strategies


Managing Risks

Futures Studies: what are they?

Futures Studies are an innovative decision-making tool, crucial for transforming the world, governing uncertainty, addressing the acceleration of changes, and motivating organizations to shape their futures.

Starting as a discipline around the 1950s, Futures Studies is now recognized and adopted internationally by both public and private institutions and organizations. To promote the culture of futures in Italy, SKOPIA has established the advanced training course “Strategic Foresight Professional.” 

Futures Studies: what is their use

Developing Strategic Anticipation Skills

Acquiring a forward-thinking mindset enables mobilization of implicit knowledge within organizations and fosters future-oriented planning skills 

Understanding the ways in which the environment is changing

Gathering as much information and data as possible to intercept potential changes that are still not very visible and to anticipate the possible repercussions on markets, industries, communities, and territories. 

Making decisions and setting actions in the present to influence the futures.

Building long-term strategies, creating value, defining action plans to achieve the desired future. 

Identifying risks and opportunities even in the medium and long term.

Tools useful for reacting more quickly and effectively to changes and surprises 

Futures Studies

The Methods:

Futures studies utilize methods such as strategic scenario building, Horizons Bricks, and Three Horizons to develop anticipatory mindsets, understand environmental changes, make decisions, and manage uncertainty. 

Strategic scenario building

A complex futures exercise useful for constructing a set of possible scenarios. Its utility lies in producing diverse strategies to address different futures (such as various outcomes of the same risk or major uncertainty) and in planning structured interventions in the present based on medium- and long-term strategic policies. 

Horizons Bricks®

An innovative method that emphasizes the role of metaphor and narrative in extrapolating and modeling preferable futures. Through a series of steps, it enables managing uncertainty and complexity to make the best possible decisions and build strategies for tomorrow. 

Three Horizons

It is a method that facilitates a creative exploration of various possible approaches to the future and fosters constructive dialogue within an organization. It serves as a participatory tool for constructing visions (possible and desirable futures) to plan medium- to long-term changes in specific domains. 

Systems Thinking

An interdisciplinary approach to organizational issues involves identifying effective “levers” to act upon complex issues and achieve desirable long-term results. Organizations that cultivate a Systemic Thinking are capable of continuous learning (challenging their mental models), developing a shared understanding of complex issues (integrating viewpoints and articulating assumptions), and collaboratively designing effective interventions or strategies over time (focused on structural causes of problems rather than symptoms). 

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